With a business focus on customer satisfaction, ALT aims to support all staff with training and development.  We listen to and have empathy with our customers while always acting in a professional manner.  Through continuous improvement, learning and discipline we have achieved an efficient and proactive business.  This in turn provides security, loyalty and opportunity.

In May 2014, ALT enrolled over 140 staff in a 24 month traineeship – Certificate III and IV in Competitive Systems and Practices, which concluded in April 2016.  This training and development included a combination of classroom based training modules underpinned with real projects and improvement outcomes.  In June 2016, ALT was awarded the Education & Training Excellence Award at the SPASA WA Awards of Excellence for this training initiative.

Developing people in our organisation with the right attitude, loyalty and ability to work together as a team will ensure that we can provide the customer with the best experience. The quality, innovation and modern thinking of our employees is key to the continuous improvement and agility of our business.

Factory Guys in Pool
Alt Graduates
Alt Training
ALT Logo 2015 WEB

Contact Us

28 Orion Road
Jandakot WA 6164

+61 8 9258 5000
