Sad Passing of Executive Director, Ben Beale

It is with great sadness that Lew Beale and Lynley Papineau of Aquatic Leisure Technologies (ALT) announce the sudden passing of Ben Beale, Executive Director, on April 24, 2017.

Ben has devoted more than 25 years to the family swimming pool manufacturing and retail company. He has been a key driver in the company’s success and a well-known and respected person across the industry.

“I have been very privileged as a father to be able to work side by side with Ben for the last 25 years. One of my great joys of life has been coming to work together on a daily basis to work in the family business. At the moment we are wrapping our arms around his wife Sarah and his children.” said Lew Beale.

“He was my brother first but also my business partner. We were extremely lucky to be able to work so closely together in business and still enjoy a glass of red together as a family. We are devastated to have lost a great leader, family member, colleague and friend. Ben was a people person and built many strong business relationships that formed the platform for success for ALT. We will all unite together at ALT and continue to build the business, taking strength from Ben’s legacy.” said Lynley Papineau.

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Jandakot WA 6164

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